The most effective ways to enlarge the penis

Penis size per centimeter

Men spend millions of dollars on phallic growth products annually. At the beginning of the 21st century, shocking penis enlargement was registered in the USA. Californian D. Marshall gained 25 cm instead of the old 12.

When it comes to enlargement, two methods work: the surgical route or conservative techniques and techniques. We will tell you what to do to increase the length and thickness of the penis. A real increase of 2-5 cm can be achieved without any problems!

Best ways to upgrade

A number of techniques cause an increase in the mass of the erectile tissue, the growth of spongy tissue. Regular exercise stretches the tunic (the whites of the penis). A man comes to an increase in length, girth.


  • Correction of penis size;
  • Elimination of early ejaculation - exercises for length and thickness add the effect of prolonging sexual intercourse;
  • high quality erection, general improvement of the genital area.

Tissue stretching

The traction elongates the phallus. The body receives an impulse to enlarge the penis. Internal reserves are aimed at adapting the penile tissue to stress - the tunic that supports the ligament stretches, the volume of the erectile tissue increases.

Penis enlargement

Top pulling techniques:

  • Jelqing;
  • Seat;
  • Pump;
  • clap;
  • Stretch Jai.


Powerful trick to enlarge the penis. Practical use requires hands and some accessories.

How it works:

  • profuse pumping of blood in the erectile tissue;
  • the formation of a new network of capillaries that penetrate the penis. At the same time, decay products are washed out;
  • general growth of tone, stamina, erection. Men remain sexually active into old age and improve their hormonal balance;
  • the phallus grows in girth and length. Jelqing for erections over 80% leads to an increase in diameter, 40-60% - increases the length of the trunk.

Jelq is divided into wet, dry. Technicians are distinguished by the presence of lubricant.


Klemp is a clamping of an erect penis with a clamp. It holds blood in the swollen trunk. The exercise takes several minutes. The technique is suitable for advanced NUPs and helps to improve the penis at rest.

Clamps for penis enlargement

The terminal uses cable clamps.


  • the best shape for the correct execution technique;
  • attach quickly, relax.

The clamp is attached to the winding. It can be anyone, the main thing is to choose a dense material. Experienced nappers use a neoprene mouse pad. The set time is controlled by a timer.

Penis sitting (foufer)

Lazy stretching is the closest analog of the BPS pulling technique, designed to work with the upper ligaments of the penis. The exercise is carried out at a convenient time. The aim is to increase the resting length.


  • stand up from a sitting position;
  • pull out the barrel by hand, holding the base of the head in place;
  • stretch between the legs;
  • place the head from the side of the buttocks;
  • take your hands, squeeze your legs;
  • Hold the extended member and carefully sit down.

If the penis is "numb", take a break. Repeat 2-3 approaches. By pulling on the straps, the trunk becomes longer, upper straps.

Stretching with an extender

Extender for penis enlargement

The device stretches the corpus cavernosum, muscle fibers, stimulates the penile tissue to increase. The extender is worn for at least 6 hours a day. Choose mechanical (the head is attached by a strap, loop) or vacuum.

The result of the workout is based on the gradual increase in the length of the dumbbells. Men who wore the Ex in accordance with the rules reached a length of +2. 5 cm.

Stimulation of blood circulation

Powerful, irreversible progress cannot be made without improving the blood supply to the penis.

water pump

LOD therapy (a class of vascular exercise) is performed using pumps. The technique improves the condition of large arteries, small capillaries that nourish the penis. The increase in length is achieved through long pumping sessions. They take turns with a short break. Variable load, relaxation, stretching of the membrane, the corpus spongiosum. The penis is enlarged.

Air and water pumps work for progress. Warm water is gentler. The result is based on the correct selection of the piston size.


A strong blood flow begins in all structures of the penis. The exercise is performed with and without lubricant after a hot shower.

Massage to stimulate the growth of the penis


  • Zone massage- Fingers are placed in the OK grip. The hand is moved from the root, with moderate pressure on the trunk. When they reach the head, they return the grip. The upper and lower points are rubbed in a circular manner;
  • Turtle head- clamp the head, rub the surface with your thumb in a circle, observing gentle pressure;
  • burning indian rope- Fingers firmly press the base together, with the other hand supporting the trunk. The fingers move up and down quickly, performing 9-40 repetitions.

Massage techniques heal the prostate.

Various methods of surgical penis enlargement are practiced in clinics.

Surgical intervention

Dorsal thickening

Each has a partition between the erectile tissue. It is like a steel band that inhibits growth and negatively affects stretching from exercising. The thickness depends on the person.

Dorsal thickening test:

  • put on an extender;
  • stretch the penis, feel the thickening. The septum runs down the middle, along the trunk to the foreskin. Fingers palpable like stretched adhesive tape;
  • the cavernous bodies nearby are perceived as soft tissues.
Penis enlargement surgery

Fibrosis can form on the back of the penis.The tunica albuginea thickens with age, during active dry masturbation, from regular stressful sex.

Sometimes chords appear on the trunk that affect the curvature of the penis. The cord of scar tissue runs parallel to the urethra. The dense formation makes stretching difficult in the extender. Both anomalies are surgically removed.To eliminate the risks, warm up before exercise, to increase, use creams to increase the elasticity of the skin.back to content


During the operation, the surgeon dissects the ligament. A weakened support band loosens + 3-5 cm to the length of the penis. The procedure takes place after tests and discussions with a doctor.

The patient is immersed in general anesthesia. The operating time is 30 minutes.After trimming, the ribbons are wornstretcher, then -Renewal. The increase is observed in the erection, visible changes are barely noticeable at rest.

Biodegradable matrix

The matrix is a tissue engineering product made from a lactic acid copolymer. Size: 5-10cm long. In the penile tissue, it breaks down into CO2, water and supports cell growth. Connective tissue grows into the matrix structure. For this stage, additional seeding of the patient's cells is carried out.

After the operation, the growth of the circumference reaches 3 cm, when the matrix framework dissolves, the result decreases to 5-10 mm. In fact, the technique is ineffective, but it is available in many andrological clinics.

In intimate surgery there are hyaluronic acid injections and silicone gel implants. Both operations increase the scope.

Folk tunes

Old recipes work well when approached without fanaticism.

Traditional methods:

  • Apitherapy- a bee sting decreases blood viscosity, harmful cholesterol, increases hemoglobin. The poison expands the blood vessels and more blood flows into the penis;
  • Apitherapy for penis enlargement
  • Soda and honey- warm compresses, massage, compresses based on a mixture of honey and soda are good preparation for training, exercises;
  • Soda and honey for penis enlargement
  • Herbal Medicine andMedicinal herbs are a useful support for augmentation techniques. Medicinal preparations are necessary for libido, potency and the development of the intimate muscles. The best: sage, nettle, rosemary, goose, yohimbe, ginseng;
  • Herbal medicine for penis enlargement
  • essential oils - used in massage techniques. Improves skin elasticity and blood circulation. The best: ylang-ylang, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, thyme, sandalwood.
Essential oils for penis enlargement

Home remedies

Manual stretching, jelq is practiced at home for free (except for surgical procedures). There are a number of methods that can improve progress.


Toys instantly lengthen the penis, delay ejaculation. The mobile ability to resize is popular with sex.


  • open- Let your mind free, keep your sensitivity;
  • closed- ensure an increase of 3-10 cm.

Cyber leather products convey the best tactile sensations. They quickly take on the temperature of the skin, are realistic.

Creams, ointments, gels

Local remedies support erection, improve training progress. With creams and ointments, the penis grows faster during jelqing, stretching, massage.


Progressive method of increasing the length. Hangers are vacuum, mechanical. A load is attached to the penis that exerts a pulling force on the tissues and ligaments of the penis. The exercise is carried out sitting, less often standing. The training result is +2 cm.

Pharmacological support, nutrition, nutritional supplements

A lack of vitamins, amino acids, micro-, macronutrients inhibits the growth of the penis in length and thickness.

Healthy food:

  • Beekeeping gifts;
  • Spinach, asparagus, celery;
  • Pumpkin oil;
  • Nuts;
  • Seafood;
  • Sour cream.

Vitamins, amino acids, minerals:

Vitamins for penis enlargement
  • Vitamin E, C, arginine- for general sexual health, strengthening blood vessels, blood circulation. Required on days of active training;
  • zinc- for libido, iron potency, quick recovery after exercise, better return to vascular programs;
  • selenium- holds male androgens, improves sperm parameters.

So increase it for you

A specific method of correcting penis size has not been developed. Every organism is different.The first grows from Jelq, the second - from Clemp, the third is supported by a combo. . . A successful start is based on the right diet and a competent entry-level program.

The first training courses are aimed at developing the foundation. In the second stage, they begin to stretch the tunic. The exercise cycle ends with an internal stretching of the ligaments. This is a conservative program after which they practice a hanger, a pump, an ex.


Enlarging the phallus requires good health and a stable nervous system. With stress, illness, success is unlikely.


  • Ages over 18-60 years old;
  • Genitourinary, venereal diseases;
  • Crayfish;
  • acute cardiovascular failure;
  • Ulcers, sores, damage to the skin of the penis;
  • psychological deviations.


There are safe and effective methods of lengthening the phallus. If a man is not diagnosed with a micropenis or small penis, he can practice manual augmentation techniques and exercise with equipment.